Monday, February 16, 2009

Hello, Hil and Art!

This post is especially for you. I met Josh and Ashley the other week while keeping healthy thoughts in mind at Grassroots Market in Five Points. We discussed some of the old WSJ people and, of course, you were included.

What a beautiful baby you have! Well, maybe not a baby now, a little boy I should have said. And what a talented Mum to make such wonderful cakes. Hil, you never used to do that!!

This blog was done as part of our library training courses. I think the idea is that we should be able to help the customers and also be able to understand what they are talking about. No more languishing in the 20th century—into the 21st and enjoy it! That explains why it has so much in it about things rather than about me. Not that I am doing much. Working part-time in the Main Library (nothing remotely like WSP) and occasionally teaching English in Orange Park, in between my major tasks of taking care of two dogs and one cat.

Maybe more at a later date. Bye for now.