Saturday, December 13, 2008

Baking on You Tube

After finding out that scones (by the way, the pronunciation is sconns!) in Jacksonville are unreasonably priced, I decided to brush up my scone-making skills. This is where You Tube came in very handy! Here is the video on making Irish scones. They are the same as the original Scottish scones, so enjoy with lots of butter and your favorite jam. The addition of Devon Cream (available in one or two stores in Jacksonville) will add to your enjoyment.

You Tube is the place to go if you want to see some of the most interesting as well as some of the worst home videos available. Luckily, the categories mean that you can go to whatever interests you without having to wade through some very tasteless material!

Valuable for the library? I am not sure about that. I have a suspicion that most people go to You Tube for amusement rather than education.

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